History / Information Of The Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries
International Office Phone: 1- (502)- 713-0667
Founded: 1991
"Where Jesus is a household name"
Home Office: 1291 Berea, Rd (Mailing Address)
The Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries International is a Ministry and fellowship of an extended continuation of the great revival that began at Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost, (A.D. 33) is in respect one of the oldest religions in the world, and it is founded upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ, Himself being the Chief Cornerstone. (Acts 2:1-12; Eph. 2:19,20) we teach and Preach the same Doctrine as the Apostles taught (Galatians 1:8) But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. (Galatians 1:9) As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. we are committed to pastors and churches who desire to achieve Ministerial excellence, assist in developing churches, and serve as refuge for Independent churches we will promote the apostolic faith as taught by the word of God. We will accomplish this through training, mentoring and needed resources that will enhance our leaders and their churches. The Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries International was established In 1991 By Bishop Michael W. Neal., D.D., Ph.D. We pray that God will grant the reader grace to accept the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. Bishop Neal was first introduced to Jesus in 1980 in the (P.A.W.) Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, On August 3rd of that year, he was baptized in the name of Jesus, At the Soul Deliverance Tabernacle, By the late Bishop Lucian D. Booker., D.D. PhD. And on the 7th of that same month Received the Gift of the Holy Ghost (with evidence of speaking in tongues). In the year of 1989 was called by God to Preach, and in 1990 was ordained by the True God Apostolic Church. Received a Doctor of Divinity in May of 2004, & a Ph.D. in 2008, The Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries International is committed to spreading the Gospel, or Good news, of Jesus Christ, to all the People of the World. To instill in them hope that there is a better life through Jesus Christ. We will utilize the ministries and talents that God has blessed us with to compel people to come to Jesus and to experience what God can do in their lives. We will be ready to be his witnesses and give testimony to the goodness that God is, and how God has moved in our lives. We shall accomplish this in our services, our Jobs, and in the streets with street meetings and the Door-to-Door Ministries. We shall also demonstrate through example the power that God has blessed us with, that power being the Holy Ghost. And to walk upright before God and to prove that Holiness is not just something to be talked about, but lived as well. And to put aside lying, Stealing, Killing, Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, Fornication, Hate, Prejudices, and other ungodly lifestyles that is outlined by the Holy Bible. This is why the Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries International was and is Formed and what it stands for. Through this we SHALL win souls to Jesus Christ, and lead souls to the Truth of Gods word. From its humble Beginning in 1991 we are endeavoring to growing in the word of God. So on behalf of our Presiding Bishop Michael Neal, and our Assistant Presiding Bishops' David Bunch & Gary Wolter we welcome you to the Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries and give unto you an Open invitation to visit one of our Church's across the US & Internationally
We teach and preach a Name NOT! Name's. The one Name that is above all name's ever given unto Mankind that name is JESUS (Acts 4:12). It was Jesus that shed HIS BLOOD, It was JESUS THAT GAVE HIS LIFE, IT WAS JESUS THAT WAS BORN INTO THE WORLD TO TAKE AWAY THE "SINS' OF THE WORLD" IT WAS JESUS THAT ROSE-UP AND SAID "ALL POWER IS GIVEN UNTO ME, IN HEAVEN AND IN THE EARTH" (Matthew 28:18) So you see some of the reasons why we Use the Name of "Jesus"