Mission Statement
The Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries International., is committed to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to people all over the world, to instill in them hope that there is a better life in Christ Jesus. We shall utilize the gifts of the ministries and talents that God has given unto us to compel people to come to Jesus and to experience what God can and will do in their lives.
We will demonstrate through example the power that God has blessed us with, that power being the Holy Ghost, and ALL the gifts of the spirit to walk upright before God, and to prove that Holiness is not something to be just talked about, but lived as well. We will show that it is possible to be delivered from lying, stealing, killing, drugs, alcohol, smoking, fornication, and other ungodly lifestyles as outlined by the word of God and in the name of Jesus!.
We shall be ready, willing and able to be His witnesses and give testimony to how good God is to us and how God has moved in our lives. We will accomplish this task by our services, on our jobs, and in the streets through our Street Meeting and Door-To-Door ministries, in the prisons, jails, and nursing homes and when ever and how ever Jesus gives us the opportunity to do so!
Through this we win, and in deed MUST win souls to Jesus Christ, and lead souls to the truth of God's word! The Lord has given us a command to go unto all the world to win souls and Teach and Preach the name of Jesus our Lord (Mark 16:15-17) And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature, He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; This is our Mission and work that we all must and will do, the Love and Word of God is too great for just one soul not to hear it. We pray that the Lord Jesus will touch you and bless you and guide you in the light of his word. We of the Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries International (JCAMI) all over the world have this Mission! Amen!