Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries International

 Outreach Ministry



Hope For Life—It can be difficult facing a Terminal illness.  The hardest part is coping and remaining in good spirits.  While we believe God to be a healer, it’s important to continue to live, even at the onset of impending death.  This support group is here to provide the keys to doing just that, living until the last breath, for as long as there is breath there is Hope in this Life!

Addicted To Life—No one ever expects to find themselves addicted to drugs, alcohol, medications, or many of the bad habits that we may develop.  When we do, the Addicted Program is here to help kick those addictions and habits. Many who will come through the program have remained drug and alcohol free for many years after graduating from the program.  It is so critically acclaimed, many of the state and federal judges will allow sentenced convicts into the program so that they may be free from the addictions that caused them to go astray.

Singles—Living the single life can be stressing and depressing, and can lead to an ill-advised marriage, destructive lifestyles, or even suicide.  This ministry is designed to help single men and women who are Christians to cope with the single life, how to be patient and wait for the right one, No! Sex before Marriage, and how to trust God to direct us to the right one.  This program will help singles to make wise decisions regarding relationships.

Marriage—In recent years, the divorce rate in the church has skyrocketed, with marriages of many years coming to an abrupt end.  This ministry is designed to help married couples deal with the many problems that present itself, and to help reignite that spark that drew the husband and wife together.

Finances—This financial management program is designed to teach participants on how to be good stewards over what God has blessed us with.  Through this program, many can learn how to plan a budget, save money, maintain good credit, and even how to deal with life’s turns that lead to evictions, foreclosures, repossessions, and credit scores.

 Lessons For Youths—It can be difficult times being young and living for Christ.  Whether you are trying to maintain a clean lifestyle, or dealing with overcoming past mistakes, this ministry will help young people deal with the many temptations and situations that present itself and will teach youths how to be more than conquerors in this  age.

Single Parents—It can be difficult being a single parent.  Often times, one can feel overwhelmed with the extra responsibilities in raising children by themselves.  Whether you’re a single parent through tragedy or through mate abandonment, this program will provide pointers to stimulate the parenting experience, stress relieving techniques, and dating tips.

Healthy Living—With Kentucky being one of the worst states when it comes to the health of it’s residents, it’s clear that we have to focus more on our health and our eating habits.  This program will educate participants on the importance of having a balanced diet; eating foods that help extend our health, and getting and staying in shape.

A car is designed with a wind-shield to see what’s ahead and a  rear-view to see what’s behind.  As long as we are focused on the road, we can move forward, but if we focus our attention to what's in the rear view, we can't move forward, or worse, we crash!  In our lives, we will have gone through experiences that we would rather leave behind and never address, but this ministry will help those with past hurts and traumatic experiences to live our lives like driving a vehicle, always looking ahead, and facing our past as God intended, seeing it, learning from it, but not letting it dictate your future or determine what direction you take in life.

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Phil 3:13-14 (KJV)