What We Will Offer As An Organization
The Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries International (JCAMI) was founded 1991 as an corporation under the statues of the non-profit corporation laws of the United States. And has been formed as a corporation in some International countries. For the purpose to provide an Body where all churches could feel free to worship God and where all churches would have representations on all levels. The Founder & Presiding Bishop Michael Neal, D.D. started with 5 Churches and he and Assistant Presiding Bishop David Bunch And Gary Wolter now currently have Churches worldwide. From the beginning the JCAMI had a set goal and purpose and that is to exalt the name of Jesus Christ:
1) To preach and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ as taught by the Bible and exemplified by the Apostles to the glory of God that the world could be saved.
2) To organize churches, conferences, councils and other JCAMI societies consistent with the faith
3) To send forth preachers, teachers, missionaries and other workers by licensing, ordaining or bestowing whatever act of the presbytery may be required to assist in reaching the world for Jesus Christ.
4) To propagate the faith of Jesus Christ and to adjust matters in the church by the authority of the church.
5) To lift the fallen, care for the sick, assist in all the needs of the poor saints, strengthen the weak, comfort the distressed, show the lost the way of Jesus and be ready to meet the Lord Jesus Christ at the calling of the saints.
6) To adopt by-laws governing the standards of the churches, to state what constitutes membership, it’s admission, suspension and expulsion; who shall control the temporal affairs of this corporation and how; the selection of officers, their term of office; the time and manner of meetings, official and unofficial; the way property, real and personal, may be obtained, held and disposed of; how the by-laws may be repealed, altered or amended and other matters relative to the operation of this Organization
The Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries (JCAMI) teaches and preaches the baptism in water, the baptism is in the name of Jesus and the infilling of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. (Acts 1:8, 2:38-39) & To do all things in the name of Jesus (Colossians 3:17), & To live a life of holiness, Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: (Heb 12:14 (KJV)
Join Us And Be Apart Of Something Special And Help Us In Our Goals!